We take important steps towards green growth – ensuring our development is economically and environmentally sustainable. Our pioneering experiences largely show that environmental improvements go hand in hand with profit-making and improved competitiveness. It is based on three majors: responsible wood sources, climate responsibility, and social responsibility – that we could contribute the biggest difference for the planet and our business.

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We are committed to contribute 1% of profits to environmental issues

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Responsible Wood Sources

We utilize clear-origin wood sources such as: high-quality sawdust from furniture factories, branches and trunks from mature industrial trees, or wood from areas that need to be harvested to enhance seafood habitats once they naturally completed their lifecycle

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Climate Responsibility

In today's world, where environmental sustainability is a global priority, running a charcoal business with a strong commitment to climate responsibility is not just a choice; it's a necessity. Our foundation of a climate-responsible charcoal business lies in responsible sourcing and production.
Beside ensuring our charcoal is sourced from sustainably managed forests or other renewable sources, we actively engage in research and seek assistance from specialists to reduce the carbon footprint linked to charcoal production in order to minimize waste and emissions, and consider alternative, cleaner technologies for the conversion of wood into charcoal.

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Social Responsibility

In today's interconnected world, running a charcoal business goes beyond profit margins; we try to make a small positive impact on society with our humble efforts with three factors: ethical sourcing, community engagement, and charitable initiatives.
We work with suppliers who adhere to ethical labor practices and treat their workers fairly and avoid at all cost suppliers associated with illegal deforestation. We try to allocate a portion of our profits to charitable causes or community development projects and create job opportunities.

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Beside ensuring our charcoal is sourced from sustainably managed forests or other renewable sources, we actively engage in research and seek assistance from specialists to reduce the carbon footprint linked to charcoal production in order to minimize waste and emissions, and consider alternative, cleaner technologies for the conversion of wood into charcoal.


We envision a future where our services, our products and practices contribute to the well-being and sustainable development of individuals, societies, and our planet.


We aim to create exceptional value for our customers, stakeholders, and community as a whole, while strongly believing in the power of collaboration, integrity, and sustainability.